Our Values: Part 2 - Authenticity

Value 2: Authenticity - Everyone is unique, be honest and true to who you are

Able Coffee Roasting’s values (sustainability, authenticity, and inclusion) are the foundation of what our company is built on. This post will take place in a series of three parts to dive deep into what is important to us. I will explain what our values mean, why I chose these particular concepts to be the base of Sustain and Able, and how they may apply to you. Today we are touching on Part 2: Authenticity.

What is Authenticity?

According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, the word authentic is defined as “true to one’s personality, spirit, or character.” Being true to who you are is what we believe in at Sustain and Able. Each person is an original. There is nothing more unique on this earth than people -- each person has their own personality, history, aspirations, etc. 

In the case someone is not being authentic, a person starts to conform to a norm so that they may “fit in”, they begin to lose the qualities that make them a unique individual. As a result, they are being inauthentic to their true self -- creating a chasm between one’s genuine self and the falsified person that other’s experience. This division leads to issues such as anxiety and depression, poor physical health, and conflict within relationships.

Growing up, many of us have been told to act a certain way, to like specific things, and to pursue goals that our family intended for us to attain. However, those things are other people’s interests. Being authentic is understanding what you want, not what others tell you to want. Take the time to evaluate where you are going in your life and why you’re traveling that path. Then, think about where you want to be, and do that. That’s true authenticity. 

Why did I choose authenticity as a value? A Story.

I’ve always been different. Never really fit into a single “crowd”, but always seemed to relate with every group in some way. As a result, I’ve jumped around quite a bit to find my people. I moved to Texas on July 4, 2019 from Indiana. The July heat not only shocked me, but the difference in culture was quite the surprise. I had been at my new job for about two months when a coworker snarked at me, “My mom always told me to not trust a girl who doesn’t get her nails done.” Don’t get me wrong, I like to get my nails done. It’s just not a priority for my daily life. However, after that encounter, there were many more, and I simply continued to be acknowledged as an outcast while taking awkward steps to try to fit in. 

Not the most ideal situation, right? I felt extremely uncomfortable, but then I found “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown. It changed my life. In her book, Brene Brown said, “True belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” She encourages us to embrace who we are because others cannot accept us more than we accept ourselves. As Brene Brown says, authenticity and self acceptance is a practice. After reading her book, I have strived to unabashedly be my authentic self in every situation. I’m not perfect, but I’m honest. Sometimes people are taken aback, sometimes they laugh, and most times, people are completely content with it. 

Living with authenticity has changed my life. I want to create an environment where others can embrace who they are, and hopefully better their lives. That’s why authenticity is one of our three core values at Sustain and Able. Being true to yourself, unless you’re just straight up mean, is a healthy practice that takes bravery and will help the world be a better place to live for you and those around you.  

Why Be Someone Else When You Can Be Yourself?

  1. It is literally amazing that each person on this planet is unique. Embrace who you are. Don’t try to be someone else. You were put on this planet for a special purpose, and it wasn’t to be someone else. So, be you!

  2. According to Time Magazine, there are multiple studies that show ignoring emotions can lead to anxiety, depression and other health problems. Neglecting how you feel or being inauthentic can lead to these issues and others. Being true to who you are, understanding how you feel, and sharing those aspects of your life with others, will help you live a healthier, more joyful life.

  3. Struggle fitting in? Be yourself! Brene Brown says that others can’t accept you more than you accept yourself. Show others you love who you are, they will be understanding and welcoming towards your confidence. 

“True belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.”

- Brene Brown

Overall, we value authenticity and believe you should too! I’ve made it my life’s mission to help the world be a better place to live and I’d like you to join me in that mission. Please let me know in the comments how you incorporate authenticity in your daily life. Until the next update, let’s keep making a difference!


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