A Word for 2021
2020 is Over.
As 2020 has come to an end, many of us have set resolutions, goals, and intentions for 2021. It’s healthy to set goals so that we may improve our way of life. Some people strive to lose weight, to manage money more effectively, or better their life in some other fashion. However, the long list of resolutions is often left unresolved by the end of the year. To combat this issue, I adopted the trend to choose a “word” for the year that represents my goals. Don’t worry, you can still have your resolutions, but it is also fun to have a specific word to focus on throughout the year to keep you centered on your intentions.
My word for 2021 is “create”. According to Webster’s Dictionary “create” has many meanings. My personal favorites were “to cause to come into being...”, “to perform”...“for the first time”, and “to do something creative”. As 2021 is looking to be an exciting year with new opportunities, beginnings, and possibilities for me personally (and many of us), I felt “create” was an exceptional word to focus on. Each definition, respectively alludes to -- the influence I have in the outcome of situations, the fresh starts that are to come, and connecting with the creative spirit that I’ve neglected for many years. You may like the word “create” and adopt it for your 2021 intentions. That would be fantastic -- we could create together!
How to Choose Your Word.
If “create” is not your thing, here’s a quick outline on how to find your “word” for 2021.
1. Write down your goals and plans.
If you already have specific resolutions for the year, what are they? For example, my plans are to start a business, be more eco-friendly, get married, and move to a new house. These are things I plan to do in 2021. Think of the ways you want to improve your life or what you already have planned to look forward to in the new year.
2. Find the theme.
Is there an underlying theme that all your goals have together? Is there something specific that connects them all? I felt that my goals were represented by “new beginnings” due to the many turning points in this period of my life.
3. Write a list of words
Think of multiple words that the theme represents or that resonate with how your goals make you feel. I’ve listed my words below.
4. Choose one.
Narrow down the list to the one word that makes you feel the most excited or most accomplished. “Create” really stood out to me because I felt that it represented all my goals. Maybe your word doesn’t represent your goals, but simply reminds you of your goals.
Here’s another example of picking a word for the year:
Step 1. Goals - To go to the gym, lose weight, drink more water, and to eat out less.
Step 2. Theme - To live a healthier life.
Step 3. List - Health, wellbeing, prosperity, fitness, whole, strength, etc.
Step 4. Word - “Wellbeing”
Be Accountable.
Tips to stay accountable with your “word”:
Daily Reminders
Put it on your desktop or phone background as a reminder
This is what I use for my desktop now to remind me to “create” everyday.
2. Pencil it in
Plan a weekly activity that incorporates your “word”
3. Create a community
Involve friends and family to help each other stay accountable
4. Make it an investment
Purchase a membership that helps you stay involved with your “word” (i.e. gym, club, classes, etc.)
Hope you all enjoyed this post! If you need more inspiration, my grandmother suggested the book My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen that helped her select her word for the year. I have not personally read this book yet, but I trust my grandma and you should too. It’s a fun journey to create a safer world! Please let me know in the comments what your 2021 word is. Until next time, let’s keep making a difference!